Pianist Kana Akaboshi Official Website
Kana Akaboshi
Kana Akaboshi was born in Shiga, Japan 1991, and began playing the piano at the age of Three.
She studied at Ishiyama High School(music cource)with Ms. Kyoko Tagawa and graduated 2010.
Between 2011 and 2015, she studied at Aichi University of the Arts and Music with Mr. Shun Sato and Mr. Masahiro Shigematsu.
he studied at Hochschule für Musik und Theater Rostock Master of Music (Germany) with Prof. Bernd Zack, and in 2017 graduated.
She has won several prizes including the first prize in the PTNA Competition Duo category in west Japan and the encouragement award in the National competition(2002), the second prize in the Osanka Piano Competition(2011), the first prize in the Shiga Piano Competition(2014), the first prize in the japan J.S.Bach music Concours in Shiga and encouragement award in the National Competition (2015), the second prize in Chinese Wall International Competition(2015).
She gives currently piano lessons and many concerts in Japan, and released her first album "eine Reise durch Raum umd Zeit" 2018.